Learn how to use epics in Jira Software | Atlassian
Jira Epics Tutorial
In this tutorial, we'll explain how to use epics in agile software development. We'll teach you how to work with epics in Jira Software, to help you in your next big project. This tutorial will focus on epics in classic projects and next-gen projects.
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10 minute read. Complete over 2 weeks or more
You are new to agile software development or Jira Software
You have created a Jira Software account, and a Jira Software project (Scrum or Kanban)
When should I create an epic?
Consider creating an epic if you have a large user story that you want to split up into smaller chunks. You could also create an epic if you notice a pattern amongst several user stories you've created, and you want to bundle them into one group.
Step 1: Create a new epic in Jira Software
There are two ways to create an epic:
Create an epic from a new issue
Select Epic for the issue type.
Create an epic from the Epics Panel
Navigate to the Backlog.
Click on the epics panel.
Hit Create epic.
When you create an epic, you'll need to enter the following details:
Epic name - A short identifier for your epic. This will be used as a label on issues that belong to this epic.
Epic summary - You'll see this whenever Jira displays the epic.
Step 2: Add and remove stories
When you've created an epic, you'll need to add stories to it.
What's the difference between epics and other issue types?
Stories, bugs, and tasks are used to describe one single piece of work. Epics are used to describe a group of related issues. Epics can also be a large user story that needs to be broken down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Check out our guide on delivery vehicles for more info.
There are two ways to add a story to an epic:
From the issue create screen
Select any issue type other than Epic.
Find the Epic Link field, and select your epic.
Fill in any other details you want, and hit Create.
From the Epics Panel
Navigate to the Backlog.
Open the Epics Panel.
Hit Create issue in epic.
To remove an issue from an epic
Navigate to either Backlog or Active sprints:
In the Backlog, drag the issue onto the Issues without epics section at the bottom of the Epics Panel; or
In either the Backlog or the Active sprints, click the relevant issue to display it on the right-hand side of the screen, then click the x in the epic name (e.g. "Apples" in Screenshot 1 below).
Step 3: Viewing your epics
You can see information relating to all your epics in the Backlog.
Epics Panel: Go to the Backlog and open the Epics Panel to view and manage your epics.
List of epics: The Epics Panel displays a list of all epics in your project.
View issues in epic: Click an epic's name to view all the issues belonging to that epic, across all sprints.
You can also view an epic issue to see a list of the stories it contains:
Step 4: Set up swimlanes for your epics on your board
During a sprint, you might find it useful to divide your board into swimlanes for each epic, to make the board visually clearer.
Here's how you can set this up in Jira Software:
Navigate to the backlog (or active sprint).
Click on Swimlanes.
Under Base swimlanes on, select Epics.
When you start a sprint, your board will show issues grouped under their respective epics.
Step 5: Monitor the progress of your epic
You may find it important to keep track of all incomplete issues attached to an epic. For example, if you have an epic that will span multiple sprints, you might find it useful to track the amount of work remaining over time so you can estimate when the epic will be completed.
In Jira Software, you can use the Epic Report to easily obtain this information.
Step 6: Complete your epic
To complete an epic:
Navigate to the Backlog.
Open the Epics Panel.
Click the drop-down for your epic, and select Mark as Done.
When should I mark an epic as done?
Mark your epic as done whenever all work for the epic is complete. To make this easier, we recommend coming up with a clear definition of done for your epic create it. Any stories linked to the epic don't have to be complete to mark an epic as done.
Want to learn more?
For more detailed information on working with sprints in Jira Software, check out our sprints tutorial.
Have questions? Ask the Atlassian Community.
Working with epics in next-gen Software projects
We've just introduced Epics to next-gen Software projects and with that comes a new way to manage them: the Roadmap. This represents a huge and exciting change in how Epics are managed in Jira Software Cloud. We believe this will be an easier way to manage and visualize your epics and would love to hear what you think about it.
This tutorial explains how epics generally fit into the agile development process and shows how to work with epics in next-gen projects to help you with your next big project.
What's the difference between epics and other issue types?
Stories, bugs, and tasks are used to describe one single piece of work, while epics are used to describe a group of issues that all relate to the same, larger body of work. Epics are typically completed over several sprints, or a longer time frame if you don't use sprints. Check out our guide on delivery vehicles for more info.
Step 1: Create epics on the Roadmap
Epics are created and managed in the Roadmap. The Roadmap is useful for visualizing and planning large pieces of work that may be in progress right now or you may prioritize in the future.
When should I create an epic?
Consider creating an epic if you have a large body of work that needs to be completed over several sprints or over a long period of time. You could also create an epic if you notice a pattern amongst several user stories you've created, and you want to bundle them into one group.
In the project menu, select Roadmap.
Hit the + in the first column to create an epic. If your roadmap is empty, you can just start typing to create your first epic.
Pro tip: Outside the Roadmap, you can also create epics from the global menu.
Step 2: Modify start and due dates
Drag the edges of an epic's bar to modify its start and due dates. You can also edit these dates by clicking an epic and opening its details. You don't have to set start and due dates, but we recommend you do to make long-term planning easier.
Step 3: Add and remove issues
To add issues from the board and backlog:
Navigate to your Board or Backlog.
Hover over the issue and select more (•••).
Select Add to Epic*. Issues can only belong to one epic at a time. If an issue already belongs to an epic, the Add epic option will be replaced by Change Epic*.
On the Board
On the Backlog
To add issues to an epic from the roadmap:
Click an epic.
In the issue details panel, select Add a child issue.
Pro tip: You can select multiple issues with Command + Click on Mac or Ctrl + Click on Windows, and add them all to an epic at the same time.
Step 4: View an epic's details
You can view an epic's details, like start date, due date, and child issues by selecting it on the Roadmap.
Step 5: Set up swimlanes for your epics
During a sprint, you might find it useful to divide your board into swimlanes for each epic, to easily visualize your progress. To set this up in your next-gen Software project:
Navigate to your next-gen board.
In the top-right corner, select the Group by menu.
Select Epic.
Pro tip: You can create issues under an epic swimlane to quickly add a new issue to an epic. This also works if you've selected an epic in your filter.
Step 6: Complete your epic
Once all the work for an epic is completed, you should mark it as complete on the roadmap.
To complete an epic:
Navigate to the Roadmap.
Select the epic you'd like to mark as complete.
Under Status, select Done.
When should I mark an epic as done?
Mark your epic as done whenever all work for the epic is complete. To make this easier, we recommend coming up with a clear definition of done for your epic when you create it.
Learn more
To learn more about the Roadmap, check out the Roadmap documentation.
To learn more about configuring your issue types, including epics, check out our next-gen projects documentation.
Max Rehkopf
As a self-proclaimed “chaos muppet” I look to agile practices and lean principles to bring order to my everyday. It’s a joy of mine to share these lessons with others through the many articles, talks, and videos I make for Atlassian
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