Agile retrospectives: Use the past to define the future
#IWish Agile was re-branded/re-named so people don't assume it means "work really fast without thinking". #RetroOnAgileβ *qο½₯οΎβ§ο½‘Michelleο½₯οΎβ§ο½‘ο½₯*οΎ (@mvenetucci) April 14, 2018
#IWish - It was easier to work with scrum when you are doing devops as by the book you really can't #RetroOnAgileβ Mikael Nilsson (@LordNilsson) April 16, 2018
#iwish people would realise agile is not a switch you can turn on overnight #retroOnagileβ Richard Coen (@RichardCoen9) April 16, 2018
#IWish more companies and people understood that Agile can be other methodologies besides Scrum #RetroOnAgileβ Jackie Katsianas (@JackieK_) April 15, 2018
#IWish we could bring the whole company onto the agile practice #RetroOnAgileβ Esther Lucia (@NearSideSays) April 16, 2018
#IWish for Agile we had interactive digital wall boards to use across sites and with people working remotely #RetroOnAgileβ John Kirk (@JDKirk76) April 14, 2018
#IWish - Jira had a blocked status for all issue types, by default. #RetroOnAgileβ David Horton (@hortonda) April 16, 2018
#Iwish there was a broadly adopted standard for assigning and tracking tasks -- that worked across multiple platforms #retroonagileβ F. Guess (@ms_g_austex) April 13, 2018
#IWish it would be easier to fuel the agile spirit from inside the teams to invest the energy from that better in good practices and software instead of having to discuss processes. #RetroOnAgileβ Michael Benz (@focbenz) April 13, 2018
#Iwish for Enterprises to embrace change and and allow agile ways of working without fearing loss of power and control. #RetroOnAgileβ Nicolai Kohlbauer (@niggls) April 13, 2018
#IWish - we would enable everyone to join and share our #agile methods and not only chosen ones #RetroOnAgileβ Rose (@Mmallow91) April 13, 2018
#Iwish agile wasn't used for micro-management and witch-hunting in the work place #RetroOnAgileβ I T E B A (@iteba) April 13, 2018
#IWish - I wish that being agile was given greater priority than doing agile #RetroOnAgileβ Dev (@DevChatters) April 12, 2018
#IWish we were beyond wondering "how to do Agile the right-way"β¦ it's an idea to work towards vs something to attain quickly & easily #RetroOnAgileβ Mark Opalski (@markopalski) April 12, 2018
#IWish for processes to work for the people, rather than the people working for the processes #RetroOnAgileβ Olivier Fortier (@ofortier) April 12, 2018
#IWish companies would not only use the buzzword agile to make the company more interesting to applicants but instead would really support the agile principles. #RetroOnAgileβ Rene Grohmann (@GrohmannRene) April 12, 2018
#IWish - One thing I'd like to see improve is the use of Agile principles by leadership teams. #RetroOnAgileβ Tina M Marquez (@TinaMMarquez) April 12, 2018
#IWish - What's one thing you wish you could improve about your agile practice? #RetroOnAgile speed up test automation creation with CI/CDβ (@YouScreenWriter) April 12, 2018
#IWish more folks followed the Agile principles and values rather than trying to hammer away on process and methodology. #RetroOnAgileβ Amy Neil (@MomofXandM) April 12, 2018
Redraft those ridiculous, self-contradictory 12 commandments so they actually mean something useful
#RetroOnAgileβ grumbly_frown (@grumbly_frown) April 13, 2018
#IWish - Agile would be used more outside dev teams #RetroOnAgileβ Alex Constantinescu (@alexluchian88) April 12, 2018
#RetroOnAgile #IWish there was more management-focused material available on the transition from waterfall to Agile.β Steve Harper (@Sharper_pm) April 12, 2018
#IWish companies were more aware of the kind of autonomy and discipline #agile requires #RetroOnAgileβ Ormycita (@mjormy) April 12, 2018
#IWish - Teams respect Retros, do not skip them, make great contributions and integrate #Kaizen cycles when the problem to solve deserves it #RetroOnAgileβ Antonio Valle (G2) (@avallesalas) April 12, 2018
#IWish Agile could be accepted company-wise, and not only in dev teams. #RetroOnAgileβ Gonzalo MartΓn (@gmartinerro) April 12, 2018
#IWish - Card movement and comments actually talked to my chat client; not my email, not a room #RetroOnAgileβ Josh Smith (@joshsmith01) April 12, 2018
#IWish - I wish to have epics progress bars - they would help in #agile #RetroOnAgileβ Oleksandr (@Oleksan23251466) April 12, 2018
#IWish - Agile development would take pity on documentation and QA teams, being more specific about how to accommodate doc and test within a sprint. #RetroOnAgileβ BarbaraLGreen (@BarbaraLGreen) April 11, 2018
#IWish - What's one thing you wish you could improve about your #agile practice? #RetroOnAgile I wish we could stop the "Agile my way" practices that are not really Agile.β Gilaine Schneider (@Theodora26) April 11, 2018
#RetroOnAgile #IWish team members could accept the mindset of Agile more than the method argument.β Marty Talbott (@TalbottMD) April 10, 2018
#iwish to spend less time on Jira to get the desired information and more time doing my job. #RetroOnAgileβ Franck Grimonpont (@chtitter) April 13, 2018
#IWish - we could talk to more teams internally and externally about how to improve our agile practices and how they do their best work #RetroOnAgileβ Matthew Ho (@inspiredworlds) March 27, 2018
#IWish the agile community would explore new techniques for project estimation since story points and planning poker is not cutting it. Possibly this? -> #RetroOnAgileβ Mike Melnicki (@mikemelnicki) March 22, 2018
#IWish companies, teams, evangelisers, etc. would not use Agile as #buzz and #MagicWand, but indeed maintain culture #RetroOnAgileβ Kayyak A.K.A kayyaK (@pwysota) March 21, 2018
#IWish it would be easier to sell #agile development. Thereβs still too much upfront planning and too little adapting to new information. #RetroOnAgileβ Toivo Vaje (@ToivoVaje) January 18, 2018
#IWish to show pull requests in #Confluence #RetroOnAgileβ Ghost (@Ghost_MAL) March 29, 2018
#IWish more SEOs in the industry would embrace the agile methodology and step away from the waterfall model.#RetroOnAgileβ Kevin_Indig (@Kevin_Indig) March 26, 2018
#IWish "agile" wasn't such a scary word to teams and companies that haven't embraced it #RetroOnAgileβ Kevin Bui (@BuiWonder) March 22, 2018
Ok #IWish that we would focus less on tools and more on interactions and communication #RetroOnAgile πβ Peter Sandberg (@patelikestotalk) January 26, 2018
#IWish there was another kind of Agile besides just Scrum and Kanban. #RetroOnAgileβ Dan Chuparkoff (@Chuparkoff) January 28, 2018
#IWish there was a shared, ethical definition of βdone doneβ for ML/AI features in agile projects.#RetroOnAgileβ Dan Massey (@KinkSpring) January 10, 2018
#IWish my past experience of Agile had not made me wary of self-proclaimed "Agile Advocates" #RetroOnAgileβ Κα΄α΄ Ιͺα΄ ΙͺΙ΄α΄ κ±Ιͺα΄α΄ (@lu_syo) February 6, 2018
#Iwish jira could make coffee #RetroOnAgileβ gonelf (@gonelf) March 7, 2018
#IWish Jira could make customizing release notes simpler #RetroOnAgileβ Krishnanand Nayak (@pedavan) March 7, 2018
#iwish I could have a better view of all projects, including sorting, prioritisation, labeling, and client assigning. #RetroOnAgileβ Darren Pinder (@dmpinder) March 7, 2018
#IWish - A less clunky mechanism for injecting 'Business as Usual' into the development stream. #RetroOnAgileβ Kent Gillenwater (@KentGillenH2O) March 22, 2018
#IWish JIRA tied usability defects to their originating story, and easily graphed it, so Agile teams could focus on usability. #RetroOnAgileβ Jerome (@JeromeR) January 18, 2018
#Iwish to have more advance functions in jql. ADFS authenticatin - please release id-79 asap.β Loshy Chandran (@loshyc) March 7, 2018
#IWish the assignee could be shared among team members, so that pair programming can be planned in advance π #RetroOnAgileβ Rick Patci (@ThePatci) January 18, 2018
- #IWish Retrospective would magically appear linked to related issues in the new sprint and help overcome scope creep! #RetroOnAgileβ Ifrah Waqar (@IfrahWaqar) January 22, 2018
#IWish we could keep TLMs from degenerating into program managers. #RetroOnAgile
"When agile shops were first being established, an important consideration was to keep TLMs from having full visibility into any one agile team."β Juni Mukherjee (@JuniTweets) January 23, 2018
#IWish @JIRA would let me story point my sub-tasks and roll up the points. Purist is not always pragmatic. #RetroOnAgileβ Kyle Rozendo (@RozendoZA) January 23, 2018
β Juni Mukherjee (@JuniTweets) January 23, 2018
#IWish people would move their sub-tasks along the Agile board without having to be reminded #RetroOnAgileβ Diana MacPherson (@dianamacpherson) January 23, 2018
#IWish Teams won't declare agile victory prematurely by merely doing stand-ups.
Unless we invest in: a) a single prioritized backlog b) KPIs and a DoD that we can get behind, and c) feel empowered,
standing up won't help. We might as well sit and do some work. #RetroOnAgileβ Juni Mukherjee (@JuniTweets) January 23, 2018
#IWish that stakeholders, peer-reviewers, & quality team-members could star an assignee's work on a ticket. #RetroOnAgileβ Dan Chuparkoff (@Chuparkoff) January 24, 2018
#IWish Jira was fastβ Bastien Billey π«π· (@billey_b) January 24, 2018
#iwish @jira has "hide fields" option. It is issue-secured now but not field-secured. #RetroOnAgileβ Rajinikanth (@Demiracer) January 21, 2018
It would be super awesome to allow my customers to vote on JIRAs without eating up a license for login #RetroOnAgile @JIRA #JiraOnDemandβ Eddie Weakley (@3weakley) January 6, 2018
#retroonagile I wish people played as a team. No aggressive jira Tix allowedβ Sean Regan (@seanjregan) January 25, 2018
#IWish there was out-of-the-box integration between my automated unit tests and the columns of my scrum board. #RetroOnAgileβ Dan Chuparkoff (@Chuparkoff) January 31, 2018
#IWish we are not surprised that the feature does not work during demo and be more in control #RetroOnAgileβ GerbenH (@Sjampster) March 21, 2018
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